At the AGU conference, I had the honor of helping convene a panel on art and science (or STEM). After the panel, I was struck by the how three of the panelists had students that used science data that was integrated into the art. I was wondering how many of you do this and what challenges you find (e.g. like working with the data) and what have your successes been? I'm thinking of future projects or workshops that focus on this area for PD for educators. If you are interested in that area or topic, please also let me know.
I can't wait to see what all of you may share in this topic... there are so many neat art and science initiatives happening.
I recently took a 6 week course from the Citizen Artist project that introduced me to Art-Based Perceptual Ecology (ABPE) research methodologies, non-conventional field-based research methods grounded in multimodal knowledge systems and sensory-based learning. It was a really neat way to consider multiple ways of knowing and how we collect 'data'... they are offering a course starting in February; I recommend it.
I keep wondering and being curious about how to perhaps apply ABPE to courses/workshops...
At the conference, Betsy Wilkening shared a project called, Stitch Your Science ( There were quilts in the exhibit hall too.
Erin Towns' photography is another excellent example
Hello arts and science folks... (Betsy Wilkening, Herminia Din, Erin Towns, Sarah Crowley and others who are here)... I recently learned about the Environmental Graphiti project... taking graphs/data and turning it into art... and there is an educator guide to do it ourselves. Check this out
The educator resources are halfway down this page:
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