Polar STEAM is now recruiting NSF-funded polar researchers for 2024/25. To submit an application for your NSF-funded polar research project. The priority deadline is 15 September 2023.
Polar STEAM is an NSF-funded program that supports broader impacts by matching educators, artists, and writers with polar researchers to co-create educational and creative resources related to polar research. Annual cohorts also include mentorship and guidance on building your broader impacts toolkit. Applications are currently open for the 2024/25 field seasons in the Arctic and Antarctic. Virtual collaborations are also available and are well-suited for lab-based researchers, those conducting data work, remote monitoring, and fieldwork that doesn't lend itself to bringing an additional person.
A recent webinar recording is available along with FAQs and a link to the application. Researchers pre-planning for future seasons are welcome to email polarsteam@oregonstate.edu to discuss further.
I wish PolarTREC and these people would work together
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