Let's get a discussion going here...

  • Who is planning to participate in Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2025, which will be held in Boulder, Colorado from March 20-28, 2025??
  • What side meetings or events should educators be aware of to either contribute or participate in?
  • Is anyone submitting a session? Does anyone need/want a co-convener for their session?

The call for sessions is here, and is open through June 14, 2024

Session proposals will be reviewed by the ASSW 2025 Program Committee in July 2024. A call for presentation abstracts for the approved sessions will open from 12 August to 30 September 2024. Abstracts will be evaluated by the session conveners with decisions to be communicated by 30 October 2024. The program will be finalized in November 2024.


Full details for ASSW are also available in the First Circular for ASSW 2025.


Comments (6)

Wendi Pillars
Wendi Pillars

PEI is still working on plans for an event, whether concurrent or separate is still being decided upon. Costs, venue, and capacity of a handful of people are determining factors.
The goal is to bridge educators, researchers, and all knowledge holders.

Anne Schoeffler
Anne Schoeffler

PEI is planning on concurrent sessions through the conference organizers. The applications for workshop space are being prepared for submission. Applications are due in September.

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