Arctic Science Education Network

Sarah Wilson at the South Pole

Live from the South Pole: Resources for Celebrating Antarctica Day

Sarah Johnson
Sarah Johnson
Event Attendance Type

Science Support from the South Pole: It Takes a Village

All educators, mentors, advisors, career counselors, coaches, parents, and anyone who helps guide young people to jobs and careers are encouraged to join in this free virtual event.

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#polareducation #AntarcticaDay #southpole #NSF

Yes... I know this is an Arctic eduction community... yet I'm guessing you may also be interested in the South Pole. 

Sarah Wilson


This discussion is timed just in advance of Antarctica Day, which is celebrated annually on December 1st, the anniversary of the signing of the Antarctic Treaty in 1959. Antarctica Day is a terrific time for educators to introduce their students to the Last Continent. Together, Sarah Johnson and Sarah Wilson will give educators enough background and scope on Antarctic happenings for them to guide activities about the importance of protecting and studying this unique place.

Wilson joins us as a multidisciplinary engineer currently supporting the IT infrastructure that underlies scientific research at the South Pole. Antarctic research stations rely heavily on logistics support, including a vast array of technical trades that are rarely associated with the science taking place here (like vehicle maintenance, airfield operations, medical and fire safety, construction, powerplant and water treatment operations, etc). It is Wilson’s aim to increase equitability of access to the Antarctic experience by highlighting the importance of these roles and underscoring how scientific research cannot take place without them.

Check out Sarah's Instagram channel complete with almost daily posts from her experience in Antarctica. 


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